Culture and health
Convinced that art and culture are powerful materials which can help for a social and local development, the Heritage Site of Culture opens its doors for the children and also for the disabled persons.
The artistic and cultural education are a fundamental right for each human being : playing an instrument, singing, meeting with artists…
Nowadays, it’s essential for the Abbey of Sylvanès to open its arms and crest for this special solutions for disabled people and elderly person. Indeed, in our territory where aged people are more and more each year, the Abbey of Sylvanès is looking for solution for these kind of
public with the region Occitanie and specialized institutions. For an example with the young people, “Tous à l’Opéra” (Everyone to the Opera) was a territorial project for young people with the Vocal and Instrumental group A Bout de Souffle.
Soutenez l’abbaye
“adhérents, mécènes, rejoignez l’aventure”
Participez vous aussi au grand projet de Sylvanès en adhérant à l’Association, en devenant mécènes, en soutenant le Fonds pour l’Abbaye de Sylvanès.